New features: Better AI-generated meeting outcomes, easy and secure sharing, Slack Huddle support

Jun 28, 2024

We're thrilled to bring teams new features that make our AI-generated meeting outcomes more complete, easier to share, and usable across more platforms. We've been listening to our users as we forge a path to become the tool that helps remote and hybrid teams work better together and do more with less.

These features are available to all users today in

  1. More complete AI-generated meeting outcomes
  2. Easy and secure sharing
  3. Slack Huddle support (private beta)

1. More complete AI-generated meeting outcomes

Meeting outcomes should be detailed enough to capture the most important elements of a conversation without forcing the reader to relive the meeting. The meeting outcomes generate are a new kind of structured data derived from your conversations that we'll use to save you time, keep your team aligned, and help you work more effectively and efficiently.

Open Questions: our newest meeting outcome element

One of the most important pieces of information that a team should capture from meetings are open questions that need to be followed up on. Often these open questions are forgotten or lost. They emerge later as issues, risks, or complex dependencies. To achieve their objectives, teams need to diligently follow up on these items. will now highlight open questions and relevant context around these questions to help teams work together more effectively and efficiently. In the weeks ahead, we'll weave open questions into more aspects of

New meeting outcome elements: Risks and Issues

Over the course of the last few months we've had scores of conversations with teams managing complex projects. They frequently requested that we add Risks and Issues to our meeting outcomes. We are excited to announce that our AI system will now listen for any risks or issues identified in analyzed conversations. These new meeting outcomes elements will augment the other elements we already provide: summary, decisions, action items, open questions, and topics.

More meeting outcome elements are in the works.

More detailed meeting summaries

Users are now seeing more detailed meeting summaries because we've better tuned our large language model application. We plan to make more improvements to balance detail and summarization in the weeks to come.

2. Easy and secure sharing is designed to make it easy to share information with your team while keeping your sensitive information private and secure. We just implemented a sharing mechanism that allows users to share meeting outcomes with their team members through the application or by simply sharing a link to a meeting outcome. If the user sharing the meeting outcome isn't a meeting owner, the action will trigger a "request for access" flow to ensure sensitive information is kept secure and private.

For more detailed information on how it works, check out this article.

3. Slack Huddle support (Private Beta)

Our team uses Slack extensively and we know quite a few of our users also use Slack. We built an integration for Slack that allows you to invite the Meeting Analyzer to Slack Huddles! Our team has been using it for a few weeks and we love it. This feature is in private beta. If you're interested in getting early access to this feature, send us an email at

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